Thursday, January 05, 2006

Lessons from Texas

During last nights Rose Bowl for the National Title, Texas was down to USC going into the fourth quarter. But Vince Young, the Texas quaterback would not give up. With under a minute in the game, down 33 to 38, he ran in for a touchdown, then for a 2 point conversion. Texas won 41 to 38.

The quarterback for USC, Matt Leinart, said, "I still think we're a better football team, they just made the plays in the end."

Isn't that what makes a better football team? They make the plays in the end? And I do mean end. Texas was loosing by two touch downs with 6 minutes left in the game. And until the last 2 minutes, USC scored every possession.

So, what's the lesson? NEVER, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP!

I actually have so many thoughts about writing, friends and being violent about the things that steal my affection from Jesus I can't actually put them in cohesive words. Some, I can't post here 'cause it's personal, but if you find one of my other blogs, you might find it there. Haha.

I think I'm in a place where the Lord is weaning me off people for some things and drawing me closer to Him. After all, I've only been praying to be more abandoned and whole hearted for about five years now.

Well, I'm on a tight deadline this month. So, better get to writing. I think I have a Fire Dweller leadership meeting this afternoon and I'd really like to go to Spinning, but I don't think I'll have time. This month is about deadlines, deadlines, deadlines.

I lead worship last night, and will again on Friday, Sunday and next Wed. Man, the band sounded awesome last night! We did Misty Edward's new song, Favorite One. It was awesome, but it's a soaker song. We had to sing it through a dozen times before this deep anointing came.

Okay, to work.

1 comment:

  1. hmmm one of your other blogs... now that is intriguing! (LOL You realize that's just down right wrong to tease someone like me with something like that??? LOL)

    Man, wish I was closer, I would love to catch it when you lead worship.
