Saturday, January 21, 2006

Count Down to Deadline

Well, ten days until my first WestBow book is due. Tony's reading it now and well, it's 11:40 p.m. and he's well over his planned reading.

He said, "You got me hooked." And this from a sci fi reader. He's doing a great job of recognizing things the are inconsistant with Robin Rae McAfee's character. He's also recognizing when a scene doesn't end right or needs more punch. There's only been a few, but I'm glad he's cathcing those things. He's learning.

February is focus month. I have a to-do list.

Pray. Fast. Clean closets. Come up with next book idea. Visit friends. Work out. Of course, I'll have to time that with fasting, but I can do it. I'm looking forward to it.

I really like Lost In NashVegas. It's shaping up. I also did the line edits for Georgia On Her Mind last week and am really digging that book, still. Can you believe I started it two years ago!

Fire Dweller was awesome last night. We had 50 people. Javi lead worship and blew it up, of course. We had consistant prayers, too, and Javi and I go into some good antiphonal singing.

Just a continued seriousness in our hearts. I see Joshua 24:15 rising. "Choose this day whom you will serve."

The fence is going away. You will either be wholehearted for or so offended you'll be against.

Oh, one of my girls wrote an awesome blog! Check it out.

Peace out.


  1. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Rachel, I'm so excited about these books and can't wait to read them.
    So very proud of you, your perseverance and most of all your walk with our Lord.

    Love Mom
