Monday, October 17, 2005

I've decided...

... I'm pulling a Scarlet O'Hara. Not thinking about it, after all tomorrow is another day. Man, my schedule can get packed and what can I do about it? Life happens. Gotta surf it.

I say no to all I can, but somethings I can't. Like family visits and stuff like that, you know, the stuff that makes the world go 'round.

It's Monday morning and I'm good to go. Ready to write. Yesterday, I was busting with ideas and creativity. Wrote a bunch of stuff down on sticky notes. Couldn't write 'cause the day was packed with other stuff (see my world spinning 'round) so now that I'm sitting down, at my computer, the creativity pool drained and the winds of the Mojave are blowing across my mind.

Thank the Lord for sticky notes. And for books. Reading inspires me. Prayer inspires me. Listened to this awesome CD from IHOP-KC where Kirk Bennet leads the worship team through Revelation 4 & 5. Amazing. I'll post some stuff on that later.

More Song of Solomon, too.

Peace out.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:55 AM

    WRITE!!!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! YOU ROCK!!!

    playing catch up on your blog, miss me? LOL
