Friday, May 27, 2005

Here we go a kick boxing among the sweaty people

Tuesday I kicked boxed. Thursday I kicked box. Friday, I just got home for 75 minutes of stepping and sculpting. It was hilarious.

I worked hard, but what a clutz. I don't know the routine or the steps, so I'm all over the place and forget about me moving my arms and legs at the same time. but I'll get it. I entertained some of the youth on Wednesday night with the plie jump-up move with my hands together over my head like I dream of Jeanne. They were laughing.

Too bad I didn't have the scissor-step-to-a-round-house-kick move to show them. I learned that on Thursday. They would have died laughing seeing me try to do one.

But, I'm trying to get myself in shape. Aerobics is a change for me and I think will boost my metabolism. And now, to cut calories, too.

Well, that's all for now.

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